
发音:   用"最高领袖"造句
supreme leader
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  1. After his return from the front , he joined ansar - e hizbullah ( “ followers of the party of god ” ) , a violent vigilante group that reveres ali khamenei , iran ' s supreme leader
    当他从前线回来后,他参加了真主安萨尔会(真主党追随者) ,一个崇拜伊朗最高领袖阿里霍梅尼的暴力民团组织。
  2. Still , mr bush has sent an extra aircraft - carrier group to the gulf and given american forces orders to capture or kill iranian agents in iraq
  3. The president later reached a deal with the country ' s parliament in a long - running dispute over their relative powers under the constitution , after agreeing to step down as the head of pakistan ' s army at the end of this year
  4. Be in so called period of 3 years of natural disaster , he passes sufficient investigation and study , face at that time put satellite , crave for greatness and success , lose contact with reality , 3 minutes of natural disaster the reality of disaster of 7 minutes of people , dare to stand to replace conversation of millions upon millions common people , give on top leader 10 thousand character the book , till be koed after do not flee , do not commit suicide , the far more than that place expression comes out is " gas " the word can describe wraparound spirit , its character charm , flare lofty or bottomless , always illuminate later generations


  1. "最高临界共溶温度"英文
  2. "最高临时政权"英文
  3. "最高灵敏度"英文
  4. "最高领导才能奖"英文
  5. "最高领导人"英文
  6. "最高硫化度"英文
  7. "最高流动点"英文
  8. "最高流量率"英文
  9. "最高流速"英文
  10. "最高流线"英文


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