
发音:   用"有关薪俸税"造句
notes on computation of salaries tax/personal assessment
  • 有关:    have sth. to do wi ...
  • 薪俸:    salary; pay
  • :    tax; duty; tallage ...
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  1. Other proposals relating to salaries tax and tax under personal assessment will be effected by amending the inland revenue ordinance through the revenue no . 2 bill 2007
  2. Under separate taxation , each married person is individually responsible for all aspects of his or her own salaries tax affairs including lodgement of returns and payment of tax assessed
  3. The revenue no . 2 bill 2003 , which seeks to implement the revenue proposals related to salaries tax , profits tax and property tax announced in the 2003 - 04 budget , was passed at the legislative council today june 25
  4. The legislative council passed the revenue allowances for tax bill 2005 today june 8 . the bill seeks to amend the inland revenue ordinance cap . 112 to implement two concessionary measures relating to allowances under salaries tax and personal assessment announced in the 2005 - 06 budget
  5. With the exception of the second phase of adjustments in salaries tax , property tax and profits tax for unincorporated businesses , which will apply from the 200405 year of assessment , these measures have already come into effect . upon full implementation , they will generate nearly $ 13 billion annually in additional revenue for the government


  1. "有关消毒和灭菌的其他标准"英文
  2. "有关消防的其他标准"英文
  3. "有关消息"英文
  4. "有关鞋靴安全和附着力的标准术语"英文
  5. "有关协议"英文
  6. "有关薪俸税/个人入息课税计算办法说明"英文
  7. "有关心灵和精神"英文
  8. "有关信息"英文
  9. "有关行政的"英文
  10. "有关性虐待与体罚的陈述"英文


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