
发音:   用"消费力"造句
consumptive power
spending power
  • 消费:    consume; consumpti ...
  • 费力:    need or use great ...
  • 白费力:    bite a file; fish ...
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  1. While consumption is strong in major cities like beijing , shanghai and guanzou , it is only just beginning to develop in other provincial capitals
  2. The hktb hoped that the synergies created by the partnership would enable it to promote hong kong more effectively to high - spending travellers in the country
  3. In view of the generally weak in consumers spending power , should the legislative support proposals for fee increases by the government and other public utility companies
  4. With a median household rent of $ 1 , 000 , this group tends to have more disposable income compared with the rest of the group . most of them live in urban areas near work
  5. The growth will be driven not only by the rapidly increasing urbanization rate but also by a substantial ( 6 . 1 percent ) annual increase in per capita consumption
    在此期间城市总消费量将呈现出年均增长8 . 7 %的态势,这将主要来自城市化进程的加速和6 . 1 %的人均年消费力的大幅增长。


  1. "消费类电子产品展销会"英文
  2. "消费类电子大展"英文
  3. "消费类电子展"英文
  4. "消费类市场业务"英文
  5. "消费理论"英文
  6. "消费量"英文
  7. "消费量指数"英文
  8. "消费流量"英文
  9. "消费率"英文
  10. "消费模式"英文


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