
发音:   用"消费需要"造句
consumer demand
consumer need
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  1. By applying the marketing theory of associate programs respectively to beijing youth daily ' s , luoyang daily ' s , beijing star daily ' s practice of membership system in distributing the newspaper , this thesis holds that the mode of membership in newspaper distribution is a breakthrough and innovation in the marketing of the press in the increasingly complicated circumstance , in which the competition among newspapers becomes more and more intense , readers " fidelity decreases , the audience decides its consumption behavior more and more on its emotional appeal , newspapers devote more to building up intimate relationship with its target audience and paying more attention to effective distribution , the market is more and more categorized , traditional ways of marketing have been less and less influential and the entry into the wto has brought about great challenge to the press industry
    《北京青年报》 、 《洛阳日报》 、 《北京娱乐信报》等报刊借鉴其他行业会员制营销模式,在报纸行业进行了会员制发行模式的实践,对尚处尝试阶段的会员制发行模式进行了理性探索。 “会员制”发行模式是报业在市场竞争日趋激烈、读者忠诚度降低、市场细分加剧、报社开始注重有效发行、报纸营销趋向产品服务化、读者产生感性消费需要、传统促销方法逐渐失效及加入wto给我国报业带来的挑战等复杂多变的市场环境中,报社运用关系营销理念和数据库技术,在营销手段方面寻找的突破和创新之举。其产生是必然的。
  2. This research aims at a special consumer segment , i . e railway passenger , and delves into the characteristics of their consuming psychology and behavior in the perspective of consuming psychology and consumer behavior , which consists of four aspects as follows : ( 1 ) make a summary of theory background on marketing psychology and consumer needs , with emphasis on advances of marketing theory , consumer needs and consumer satisfaction
    本研究从消费心理学和消费者行为学的角度出发,对特殊消费者群体? ?铁路旅客的消费心理与行为特征进行深入研究。主要包括四个方面的内容: 1对市场营销心理和市场消费需求的理论背景进行总结,重点是消费者与市场营销、营销理论的发展、消费需要和顾客满意度等。
  3. The picture album design success or failure is decided is decided thedesign localization namely must complete the earlier period thecustomer communication , the concrete content includes : picture albumdesign style localization ; enterprise culture and productcharacteristic analysis ; profession characteristic localization ; the customer viewpoint and so on allpossibly affects the picture album design the style therefore , can manifest the customer the expense need , brings thebigger sales achievement for the customer


  1. "消费需求的下降"英文
  2. "消费需求方程"英文
  3. "消费需求和投资需求对经济增长的双拉动"英文
  4. "消费需求理论"英文
  5. "消费需求膨胀"英文
  6. "消费学"英文
  7. "消费学与家庭经济系"英文
  8. "消费压制"英文
  9. "消费研究"英文
  10. "消费研究和资料中心"英文


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