
发音:   用"生命的气息"造句
the breath of life
  • 生命:    life; vita; vivi-; ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 气息:    breath
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  1. And slang not only brings the first feeders of it , but is afterward the start of fancy , imagination and humor , breathing into its nostrils the breath of life
  2. The other one , the big wench who slapped her thighs and clucked like a hen , shed round her an odor of life , a sovereign feminine charm , with which the public grew intoxicated
  3. In the beginning it was quite clear . god created the heavens and the earth . he created the world we see , then he took a lump of clay and breathed his breath of life into it and created adam , the first man
    在开始时已很清楚神创造天地, ?创造万物,然后堆起一团泥土, ?把生命的气息吹进这团泥土, ?造出亚当,第一个人。


  1. "生命的美好"英文
  2. "生命的秘密"英文
  3. "生命的呐喊"英文
  4. "生命的奇迹"英文
  5. "生命的起源"英文
  6. "生命的圈圈"英文
  7. "生命的色彩"英文
  8. "生命的衰竭就如同那一粒粒飘落的尘土"英文
  9. "生命的威胁,危及生命"英文
  10. "生命的舞蹈"英文


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