
发音:   "男尊女卑"的汉语解释   用"男尊女卑"造句
think that women are inferior to men; males are supposed to be worth more than the other sex.; (the view that) men are superior to women; men enjoy higher status than women
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  1. The concepts that males and females should be treated differently and males were senior and females were junior not only were confirmed by law , but also became an important part in chinese cultural psychology
    “男女有别” 、 “男尊女卑”的文化观念不但得到了法律认可,而且成为国人文化心理的重要内容。
  2. Illuminate the roles male & female play in the english language to prove that male is superior to female from the aspects of acceptation & word order & derivation & culture ; analyze the discrimination against female in the english language
  3. However , the men - centered gender culture has suppressed women ' s natural advantages during the long course of social development , and the view that men are superior to women has been acknowledged by the whole society , even including women themselves
  4. Traditional stereotypes of females as inferior to or weaker than males frequently appear in all types of textbooks . even in teacher - student interaction , studies have found teachers to be inclined to give more attention and learning opportunities to male students . female students from the lower strata of society , or from aboriginal families , also suffer a greater amount of unequal treatment at school


  1. "男子主义"英文
  2. "男子足球"英文
  3. "男子组"英文
  4. "男子癔病"英文
  5. "男足"英文
  6. "男尊女卑主义者(大男子主义者)"英文
  7. "男左女右"英文
  8. "男傧相"英文
  9. "男陔"英文
  10. "男娼"英文


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