
发音:   用"看电影的人"造句
goes to the cinema
  • 看电影:    see a film; go to ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • :    human being; man; ...
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  1. Introduction : working in the cinema , very black , the movie always throwing garbage , and you have to clean up , controlled space key so , had to brooms to the cinema to the four corners of the trash can
    在电影院打工,很黑,看电影的人总是扔垃圾,你要清理干净, “ ” “ ” “ ” “ ”控制方向, “空格”键扫,要一直扫帚到电影院的四个角落的垃圾筒里。
  2. " the potter franchise is just irresistible to moviegoers , " said paul , president of box - office tracker exhibitor relations . " the combination of the potter books and the love audiences have for the movies conspired a big opening weekend .
    “哈利波特对于喜欢看电影的人来说是不可抗拒的,哈利波特丛书和观众对哈里波特电影的钟爱共同促成了这个票房收入可观的周末。 ”
  3. From my experience of going to the cinema and making friends with young people , i think i understand what they want . so if they think something is interesting and i also happen to like it , then i guess other people will also like it , and i ll work on it
  4. From my experience of going to the cinema and making friends with young people , i think i understand what they want . so if they think something is interesting and i also happen to like it , then i guess other people will also like it , and i ll work on it
  5. One group was told they ' d be watching a funny movie , the other was not . " blood drawn from experimental subjects just before they watched the video had 27 percent more beta - endorphins and 87 percent more human growth hormone , compared to blood from the control group , which did n ' t anticipate the watching of a humorous video , " explained lee berk of loma linda university
    负责此项研究的心理学家李伯克说: “血液抽样调查显示,与第二组不知道要看电影的人相比,第一组被试在看电影之前,血液中氨多酚一种会使人愉快的物质的含量高出27 ,生长激素含量高出87 。 ”


  1. "看电视看得太多"英文
  2. "看电视新闻"英文
  3. "看电视与看书"英文
  4. "看电影"英文
  5. "看电影,在电影院"英文
  6. "看电影的人,常看电影的人"英文
  7. "看电影去"英文
  8. "看电影学英语"英文
  9. "看电影学英语附讲解"英文
  10. "看电影者,电影观众。"英文


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