
发音:   "短歌"的汉语解释   用"短歌"造句
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  1. Hakka song is a long history of traditional chinese music , but also with a strong local characteristics and composition of jazz compositions
  2. Songbook includes melody line with lyrics , guitar chords , and complete transparencies . great for small group , church congregation worship and personal worship
  3. Songbook includes melody line with lyrics , guitar chords , and complete transparencies . great for small group , church congregation worship and personal worship . approx . 90 pages total
  4. Well , what we used to do is , the name of our boat was " be happy . " so when we would catch a fish the first thing we d do is turn the tape player on and then we d stick the microphone in the tape player and over the microphone and over the radio so all the other boats in the tournament could hear , would be the song , " don t worry
  5. Nevertheless , i shrewdly suspect he feels like a dog with a tin can tied to its tail : though he makes a very good show of pretending the tin can isn t there . but i heard that in the village the women call away their children if he is passing , as if he were the marquis de sade in person . he goes on with a certain impudence , but i am afraid the tin can is firmly tied to his tail , and that inwardly he repeats , like don rodrigo in the spanish ballad : ah , now it bites me where i most have sinned
    可是,我却十分怀疑他自己觉得象个尾巴上缚了个洋锡罐的狗,虽然他装做详锡罐并不在那里的怪自然的样子,但是我听人说,当他经过村里的时候,妇人们都把她们的孩子叫开,好象他是沙德候爵的化身似的,他是一味的鲁莽,但是我恐怕他尾巴上的罐子缚得紧紧以的,并且他内心里象堂罗德里哥似的念着那句西牙短歌: “唉!


  1. "短杆素"英文
  2. "短钢材"英文
  3. "短钢锭"英文
  4. "短钢筋"英文
  5. "短钢索"英文
  6. "短歌行朝露音色库"英文
  7. "短格式指令"英文
  8. "短隔板"英文
  9. "短隔壁"英文
  10. "短隔壁珊瑚属"英文


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