
发音:   用"等检验"造句
i tection services for fasteners and hardware
insptection services for fasteners and hardware
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  1. Siemic , inc . headquartered in the heart of silicon valley , with superior facilities in us and china , is one of the leading independent testing and certification facilities providing clients with one - stop shop services of regulatory compliance testing and certification accessing global markets
  2. Firstly , we introduce the management scale , business frame , technology type and scope briefly . secondly , we set forward situation of ccs continental business , including iso9000 quality management system , engineering and machinery supervisor , notarial survey and so on . comparing with foreign classification societies , we find our advantages , potentiality and problems
  3. Advanced digital hardometers ( testing the hardness and safe load of bolts ) etc . testing equipments . advanced digital hardometers testing the hardness and safe load of bolts ) etc . testing equipments , the 1 , 500 sq . m . vertical goods shelves can hold more than 5 , 000 tons goods loading , each bin has fixed codes , and has perfect enterprise digital informationization management system and the support of software , which greatly improves the rationality and simplicity of goods loading and enhances the accuracy of goods and quick delivery and is one - up on others


  1. "等间距打字机"英文
  2. "等间距基准点"英文
  3. "等间距线"英文
  4. "等间图"英文
  5. "等间隙急闪光"英文
  6. "等检胴体"英文
  7. "等剪力线"英文
  8. "等剪应力球面"英文
  9. "等减速运动"英文
  10. "等键的"英文


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