
发音:   用"管理的行为"造句
managerial behavior
regulatory action
  • 管理:    manage; run; admin ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 行为:    action; behaviour; ...
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  1. The paper improved on the insufficiency of the previous research , and validated the earnings management of listed companies under special treatment more roundly , which makes the decision - making of investors and constitutors of policy more effective
  2. The asset - liability management refers to the behaviors which the insurance company harmonizes its assets with its liabilities because its cash flow suffered from the changes of the marketing interest rate and was a kind of joint asset - liability management in terms of interest rate risks formerly
  3. The financial supervision of the people ' s bank of china ( the pbc ) means the pbc working as the chief organization of the nation ' s financial policy , legally supervises and manages the financial institutes and their operation in the power bestowed by law to maintain the normal economic order , protects the interest of the depositors and investors , ensuresa secure , healthy , efficient operation of the financial system
    中国人民银行金融监管是指中国人民银行(以下简称“人行” )作为国家金融行政主管机关,根据法律赋予的权力,依法对金融机构及其运营情况实施监督和管理的行为,以此维护正常的金融秩序,保护存款人和投资者的利益,保障金融体系安全、健康、高效运行。
  4. With the perfection of the market economic in china and reformation of share - holding mechanism and the security market , the tendency of the listed companies to conduct earnings management is becoming stronger and stronger , since the accounting reports of the listed companies have to be disclosed to the public , the accounting information reflected in the reports will have a wide and profound influence on the information users


  1. "管理的实务"英文
  2. "管理的四条原则"英文
  3. "管理的无知"英文
  4. "管理的现状、发展趋势及项目系统管理软件"英文
  5. "管理的新型态"英文
  6. "管理的演进"英文
  7. "管理的意义与过程"英文
  8. "管理的影响"英文
  9. "管理的原则"英文
  10. "管理的责任"英文


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