
发音:   用"美国统一商法典"造句
  • 美国:    the United States ...
  • 统一:    unify; unite; inte ...
  • 商法典:    commercial code
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  1. The functional approach to characterization of secured transactions and a unitary concept of security , which are the distinctive feature of article 9 , are attractive to scholars and legislators of other countries
  2. Last , by comparing american security law with chinese , the author found that we could get inspiration from american experience that was accumulated in the security legal history to develop the security law of ourselves
  3. Chapter iii : comparing study of domestic legal system of sellers " breach of promise remedy firstly , this chapter mainly quotes american uniform code on commerce to state the remedial system of the sellers " breach of promise in american law
  4. The code endows the seller with the right of stoppage in transit to the goods . when the buyer is insolvent or there is other events constituting a breach of contract , the seller may exercise his right of stoppage in transit to the goods in accordance with the code
    美国关于中途停运权的法律规定于《美国统一商法典》 ,该法典规定当买方无力支付以及有其他违约情事发生时,卖方可以依法行使他对货物的中途停运权。
  5. The uniform commercial code - sales , are not only the legal protection for business in america , but also have world influences in international business communications . recently , most of the rules in it have been borrowed in international treaties , and in some countries " domestic laws


  1. "美国统计文摘"英文
  2. "美国统计协会"英文
  3. "美国统计学家何乐礼"英文
  4. "美国统一代码协会"英文
  5. "美国统一商法"英文
  6. "美国统一商法法典"英文
  7. "美国统一土壤分类法"英文
  8. "美国统一信托法"英文
  9. "美国投资"英文
  10. "美国投资管理公司"英文


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