
发音:   用"股本结构"造句
capital structure
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  1. Without preferred stock , stock warrant and treasury stock , our countries " listed companies are lame . it is important for our country to carry out the exchanging businesses of preferred stock , stock warrant and treasury stock . it will not only avail in improving the capital stock structure of listed companies , but also give play to the capital mechanism in society resource distribution
  2. In this paper , we first make a literature on relationship of equity ownership structure and corporation performance . it turns out that because of different opinions , it ’ s difficult to tell how equity ownership structure influences corporation performance . we should consider the equity ownership structure ’ s characteristic and other factors when we do research on joint - stock commercial bank ’ s equity ownership structure
  3. There are massive uncurrent state - owned equity in the equity structure of china listed enterprises , which has already caused the distortion of enterprise governing structure and the advisability of resource disposition and so and . however , the major reason generating this phenomenon lies in the institutional risk existing in the china stock market set up in the period of economy transformation
  4. Seasoned equity offerings of chinese listed firms were underpriced by an average of 11 . 59 percent during last four years , from 1999 to 2002 , with the discount decreasing substantially over time , which is opposite to the increasing tendency in american listed firms . consistent with uncertainly and asymmetric information theory , underpricing rate is positively related to the stock price volatility and the p / e ratio when issuing the seasoned equity offers
  5. However , as our stock market still in initial stage , shortages still remain in stock issuing , capital structure and the practice system of the stock market etc . even the impact to a country ' s economic growth causes by a developed and perfect stock market remains to be discussed


  1. "股本基数"英文
  2. "股本集团投资"英文
  3. "股本及公积金帐户"英文
  4. "股本及权利的更改"英文
  5. "股本价值"英文
  6. "股本金"英文
  7. "股本捐赠"英文
  8. "股本利润率"英文
  9. "股本利息"英文
  10. "股本面值超过发行价格数, 股本折价"英文


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