
发音:   用"草山"造句
gra y hill
grassy hill
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  1. Formerly known as tsao shan grass mountain , yangmingshan was renamed by former president chiang kai - shek to honor the 16th - century scholar wang yangming
  2. Well known scenic spots in moon world include erhliao pavilion , hill 308 , mt . tsao suspension bridge , the crocodile , and the lion s head
  3. The county has 60 . 000 ha of forest grassland , grassland mountain , grassland slopes , annual hay production is over 500 . 000 . 000 kg , it is a natrral grazing land
  4. It extends from the lead mine pass in the north , to the catchwater of the shing mun reservoir in the south , and from tai mo shan in the west , to grassy hill and needle hill in the east
    城门郊野公园占地共1 , 400公顷,由北面的铅矿凹伸展至南面的城门引水道,西至大帽山,东及草山、针山。
  5. But we did not think section 7th was so hard to go , we had walked continuously 16 hours with heavy burden , the 500 meters high hills , and 600 meters high grass slope seemed to be so high and dangerous now
    但没想到第7段的山也是异常难爬, 500米的针山, 600米的草山此时对于已经连续负重行走16个小时的我们来说是那么的高那么的险。


  1. "草森"英文
  2. "草沙发靠垫"英文
  3. "草珊瑚"英文
  4. "草珊瑚提取物"英文
  5. "草苫子"英文
  6. "草扇"英文
  7. "草上"英文
  8. "草上飞"英文
  9. "草上寄生的"英文
  10. "草上晒白法"英文


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