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pilot program
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  1. Last year , we proposed a trial scheme for the private sector to finance , build and manage recreational and cultural facilities under public private partnerships
  2. The panel discussed a paper on the pilot project " action s4 " to help the more vulnerable trainees of ywet scheme obtain on - the - job training opportunities
    事务委员会讨论关于该项名为" s4行动"试点计划的文件。该计划旨在协助处于较弱势的青见计划学员获得见习机会。
  3. The panel discussed a paper on the pilot project " action s4 " to help the more vulnerable trainees of ywet scheme obtain on - the - job training opportunities
    事务委员会讨论关于该项名为" s4行动"试点计划的文件。该计划旨在协助处于较弱势的青见计划学员获得见习机会。
  4. 71 . last year , we proposed a trial scheme for the private sector to finance , build and manage recreational and cultural facilities under public private partnerships
    71 .我们去年提出在公营部门与私营机构合作的范畴下,引进私营机构斥资兴建及管理康乐文化设施的试点计划
  5. Last year , we proposed a trial scheme for the private sector to finance , build and manage recreational and cultural facilities under public private partnerships ( ppp )


  1. "试点工程"英文
  2. "试点工程;试点项目"英文
  3. "试点工作"英文
  4. "试点火阶段"英文
  5. "试点火期间"英文
  6. "试点局"英文
  7. "试点论坛"英文
  8. "试点模式"英文
  9. "试点企业"英文
  10. "试点社区"英文


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