
发音:   用"货运方式"造句
shipping method
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  1. Container transportation is a kind of traffic mode , which include the characteristics " celerity , safety , high quality and cheapness " . it has been taken into effect in ocean shipping for about 50 years . from 1970s , container transportation had been used in several area , and it was 1976 that our country began to test this kind of traffic mode in the changjiang river
  2. During our promotion period , all customers ordering from canada or the u . s . a . and purchasing over 50 canadian dollars , excluding tax , can get free shipping . during the checkout process , if the order is over cad 50 , a " free shipping " payment method will be available . if " free shipping " is selected , the shipping fee amount displayed before checkout will be 0 . 00
    当顾客选购完毕提出结账时,若购物金额多过50的话,在选择货运方式的地方会出现" free shipping "这一项,邮寄地址属加拿大或美国境内的顾客便无需支付邮费在下一页的运费计算栏上会自动显示出0 . 00 。


  1. "货运调运综合"英文
  2. "货运吨"英文
  3. "货运吨公里"英文
  4. "货运吨数"英文
  5. "货运额"英文
  6. "货运飞机"英文
  7. "货运飞机航班"英文
  8. "货运飞行"英文
  9. "货运费"英文
  10. "货运费率"英文


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