
发音:   用"选择目标市场"造句
market targeting
  • 选择:    pick and choose; s ...
  • 目标:    target; objective
  • 市场:    market house; mark ...
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  1. Firstly this paper introduces the conception of brand management , and points out that the core of brand strategy is stp , which means market segmenting , target market selecting and brand positioning . it illustrates that brand knowing degree is one of the most important factors of cultivating brand . also it describes that brand loyalty will brings great profit to the corporation
    第一,首先介绍品牌管理的基本概念,指出了品牌定位的核心是stp ,即细分市场、选择目标市场和品牌定位;说明了品牌知名度在创建品牌资产过程中的作用;描述了品牌忠诚为企业带来的巨大价值。
  2. The purpose of this thesis is to find an adaptive marketing strategy under the current situation for s company and other egg chicken breeding farm through demonstration studying on s company and marketing theory studying . the thesis includes 4 parties . in part 1 , it gives us a brief introduction of egg chicken breeding , the future tendency of egg industry and the marketing situation of s company


  1. "选择磨矿"英文
  2. "选择磨蚀"英文
  3. "选择磨碎"英文
  4. "选择某人接受某事物"英文
  5. "选择目标"英文
  6. "选择目标位置"英文
  7. "选择目的部件"英文
  8. "选择目录"英文
  9. "选择内部硬点"英文
  10. "选择能力"英文


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