
发音:   用"遗产代理人"造句
personal representative
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  1. To provide under the new ordinance a set of measures to facilitate inspection of the safe deposit box of the deceased by the personal representative and beneficiaries before issue of the grant ; and
  2. To include under the new ordinance a mechanism to exempt persons dealing with small estates from the intermeddling provisions . this represents a balance between safeguarding the interest of the beneficiaries and obviating an unnecessary burden for the personal representative
  3. In order that the above changes will not affect the personal representative and other relevant parties as far as possible , the home affairs bureau will further explain to the public the various new arrangements related to the application for grant before the commencement of the new ordinance
  4. The official solicitor ' s main duties are to act as guardian ad litem or next friend in legal proceedings for persons under disability of age or mental capacity , as representative of deceased persons ' estates for the purpose of legal proceedings , as official trustee and judicial trustee , representing patients in proceedings under the mental health ordinance , representing children in matrimonial proceedings and in the juvenile court
  5. The official solicitor ' s main duties are to act as guardian ad litem or next friend in legal proceedings for persons under disability of age or mental capacity , as representative of deceased persons ' estates for the purpose of legal proceedings , as official trustee and judicial trustee , to act as committee of the estate of mentally incapacitated persons , to represent any party in care or protection proceedings and to act on behalf of a person committed to prison for contempt who is unable or unwilling to apply on his own behalf for release


  1. "遗产承办处"英文
  2. "遗产承受权的终止"英文
  3. "遗产承受人"英文
  4. "遗产承受资格"英文
  5. "遗产处分法"英文
  6. "遗产的其余部分"英文
  7. "遗产的债权人"英文
  8. "遗产地"英文
  9. "遗产毒"英文
  10. "遗产分配法规"英文


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