
发音:   用"野生环境"造句
wild environment
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  1. " the most practical and effective way to protect wilderness areas is to attract more tourists to these areas through environmentally sensitive projects .
    保护野生环境最实际和最有效的途径就是通过环保的(旅游)项目吸引更多的旅游者来这些地区(旅游) 。
  2. " her four front teeth are expected to grow back in about three months , and she should be able to be released into the wild without any problems , " finch said
    他说: “贝莉的4颗门牙预计将在大约3个月内重新长出来,那时把它放归到野生环境中去应该不成什么问题。 ”
  3. A captive - bred tiger has never successfully been released into the wild , and conservationists say it would be impossible to do so with the 5 , 000 on chinese farms , as their owners sometimes claim to intend
  4. Territorial officials seized the bear ' s body and a dna test from wildlife genetics international , a lab in british columbia , confirmed the hybrid was born of a polar bear mother and grizzly father
  5. Fewer than 5 , 000 grevy ' s zebras are believed to live in the wild , nearly all of them in the vicinity of samburu , about 230 kilometers 145 miles north of nairobi , and further north towards kenya ' s border with ethiopia


  1. "野生甘蔗"英文
  2. "野生观测值"英文
  3. "野生黑樱桃"英文
  4. "野生红虾"英文
  5. "野生花卉手册"英文
  6. "野生黄水仙"英文
  7. "野生黄莓"英文
  8. "野生及载培的内蒙古黄芪"英文
  9. "野生酵母"英文
  10. "野生菌烩乌鱼片"英文


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