
发音:   用"金狮奖"造句
golden lion award
leone d'oro
  • :    metals
  • :    lion
  • :    encourage; praise; ...
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  1. Lust , caution " , the venice film festival ' s golden lion winner for best picture , will be cut by 30 minutes for audiences on the chinese mainland , renewing debate about the adoption of film rating system
  2. Other films vying for the prestigious golden lion include the constant gardener , starring ralph fiennes , the kate winslet musical romance and cigarettes , and ang lee ' s western brokeback mountain
    参加角逐本届威尼斯电影节金狮奖的影片还包括:拉尔夫?费恩斯主演的《不朽的园丁》 、凯特?温斯莱特主演的歌舞喜剧《爱情和香烟》 ,以及李安执导的西部片《断臂山》 。
  3. He certainly boasts an impressive record as a successful director , being the first asian to win an academy award for best director in 2005 , and one of only two directors to have ever earned two golden lions at the prestigious venice international film festival
    他的成绩引人注目: 2005年成为了第一位获得奥斯卡最佳导演奖的亚洲导演,是连续2次摘得威尼斯国际电影节金狮奖的两位导演之一。
  4. For the general audience , the focus of this movie is usually the cast , with sol kyung - gu as a young man who is just released from jail and is considered a shame by the family , and moon so - ri as a physically handicapped girl who is suffering from serious cramp


金狮奖()是威尼斯影展的最高荣誉,从1949年开始颁发,被认为是电影界最高荣誉之一。1970年增设荣誉金狮奖,表扬对于电影有重要贡献的工作者。1947年与1948年颁发的威尼斯国际大奖(Grand International Prize of Venice)与金狮奖地位相同,都是威尼斯影展的最高荣誉。1936年至1942年之间,威尼斯影展的最高荣誉则是颁给最佳意大利片与最佳外语片的墨索里尼奖。


  1. "金狮工业"英文
  2. "金狮航空公司(英)"英文
  3. "金狮猴"英文
  4. "金狮花园"英文
  5. "金狮集团"英文
  6. "金狮录影制作有限公司"英文
  7. "金狮面狨"英文
  8. "金狮奶糖"英文
  9. "金狮绒猴"英文
  10. "金狮运河"英文


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