
发音:   用"顾客的角度"造句
customer perspective
  • 顾客:    customer; shopper; ...
  • :    4次方是 The fourth po ...
  • 角度:    angle; the degree ...
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  1. The success of the eagle company should be attributed to it take and carry out the sales policy of cdv , which really stands on the side of the customers to measure the value of the products and services . and it offered more cdv to them than its competitors do
  2. The enterprise should analyze the customers " demand from their points , and on the basis of these guide its production and operation , including marketing research , design , production , sale and service . when the enterprise puts it into effect , the most important segment is customer satisfaction evaluation
  3. Besides , proceed from one ' s own angle of enterprise , try one ' s best to obtain more profits from the value that is offered to customer , and realize the competition advantage of the cost . this paper is under the research on study and application of abm in dongfeng automobile corporation
    Abm是在abc基础上建立的一种创新性的成本管理方法,借助于abc , abm将管理重心深入到作业层次,从外部顾客的角度出发,尽量通过作业为顾客提供更多的价值,同时,从企业自身角度出发,尽量从为顾客提供的价值中来获取更多的利润,实现成本竞争优势。
  4. In the face of high uncertain circumstance , the management strategy of traditional industrial economy epoch , so the company should concentrate on the business about customer , comprehend the relations of customer and company , find out the value region customer attentioned , and establish new customer centered strategy . and then the company can fasten the resource on the highest return area . we point that well customer relations turn to be the key factor of lasting profit
  5. This article first looks back the relation between logistics and reverse logistics , then detailed figures out the severally sides of reverse logistics and afresh explains its happen reason , characteristics , types and handling means . close behind preceding context , i discuse the terms of acquiring the customer loyalty and the different profitable advantages and disadvantages inside of the supply chain associates , also points out the compelling limits of laws


  1. "顾客导向定价法"英文
  2. "顾客的成功助一臂之力"英文
  3. "顾客的价格敏感度"英文
  4. "顾客的价值"英文
  5. "顾客的价值(观)"英文
  6. "顾客的品味要求"英文
  7. "顾客的声音"英文
  8. "顾客的要求"英文
  9. "顾客的有限总体"英文
  10. "顾客的忠诚"英文


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