a busy road中文什么意思

发音:   用"a busy road"造句
  • busy:    adj. 1.忙,繁忙的;无闲空的 ...
  • road:    n. 1.路,道路;街〔略 Rd.〕 ...
  • busy road:    交通繁重的道路
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  1. One early morning at a busy road , an elderly chinese man ignored the no crossing sign and hobbled across the road , supporting himself with a walking stick
  2. The captain reportedly said that the plane had lost all power and avionics ? the control system ? shortly before the craft thumped down , just clearing a busy road on the perimeter of the airport
  3. Crossing a busy road unless there is a pedestrian crossing , do not cross if the traffic flow is heavy without much variation and the gaps in the traffic are too few or too short to cross safely
  4. The noise levels at daytime are similar to those of a busy road or those of an ordinary construction site . the middle road children playground will be closed for the construction of the underground station
  5. And i think the real message is probably to those the plan . e , wend - use ( land - use ) in terms of school and housing developments , any place where a child is going to be spending a lot of time near a busy road


  1. a busy but exciting job 什么意思
  2. a busy day 什么意思
  3. a busy day off 什么意思
  4. a busy farming season 什么意思
  5. a busy life 什么意思
  6. a busy schedule 什么意思
  7. a busy signal 什么意思
  8. a busy street 什么意思
  9. a busy weekend 什么意思
  10. a busy-body 什么意思


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