a price tag中文什么意思

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  1. You see , every article carry a price tag and it ' s the same price for local resident or tourist
  2. In recent years , economists and environmental scientists have come together to hang a price tag on nature ' s benefits
  3. Many seem quite content to bluff their way through , giving little or no thought to the implications that a price tag can carry
  4. Among these were technical books consisting 10 titles that had a price tag of rm10 , 700 and a 3 . 1 megapixel digital camera that was bought for rm8 , 254
    其中的例子有十本的技术书本共需10 , 700令吉;还有8254令吉的3 . 1百万色素的电子相机。
  5. These efforts reflect not altruism on our part , but realism . they are both right and smart . but we know that preparedness does not come without a price tag


  1. a previous question 什么意思
  2. a previous representative period 什么意思
  3. a price 什么意思
  4. a price above rubies 什么意思
  5. a price list 什么意思
  6. a price-and-market mechanism 什么意思
  7. a price-list or quotation sheets 什么意思
  8. a priceless collection of ivories 什么意思
  9. a prickly sensation 什么意思
  10. a pride of lions 什么意思


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