activity network中文什么意思

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  1. Firstly , we use the algorithm of the least cost scheduling in network plan . and a useful heuristic model described as the latest finish time model for resources scheduling is selected to solve the resource optimization , which based on investigation of heuristic methods of resource - constrained activity network
    首先对网络计划进行工期? ?费用优化,然后基于对多资源约束网络计划的启发式方法分析的基础上,选择一种简捷实用的启发式方法? ?最迟完成时间( lft )判断法,对网络计划进行多资源综合协调。
  2. In the aspect of workflow modeling , this thesis introduces a flexible workflow meta - model which is capable of tackling the problems related to business events based synchronization , multiple activity instances , service type activities and run - time process modeling . such favorable features are approached by extending the traditional activity network model with modeling constructs , such as wait connectors , parallel blocks , services and modification blocks
  3. 2 . the method of transfer from assembly to disassembly should is established in order of the transfer from assembly to disassembly . disassembly network is established through technology of analysis of activity network and the method of transfer , disassembly network necessarily is identified from the aspect of consistency and provide the testimony for the evaluation of scheme of evaluation disassembly
  4. This paper studies the nato cals ( ide ) project and analyzes nato cals ' s characteristics of organization and business process based on the deep research of workflow technology . from the management viewpoint , an implementation plan is brought forward about the application of workflow in ide . during the course of bpr , process modeling , simulation , analysis and optimization can be done well using two types of workflow model which are the process model based on activity network diagram and the process model based on petri net
    工作流技术作为实现企业业务过程重组、过程管理与过程自动化的核心技术,在军方建设集成数据环境、实施cals (持续采办与全寿命支持)战略的过程中,具有巨大的应用前景,本文在深入研究工作流技术的基础上,对美国国防部和nato的cals ( ide )实施项目进行研究,分析其组织、业务过程特点,从管理角度上,探讨将工作流技术应用在cals ( ide )的实施过程方案,在经营过程重组的过程中,结合基于活动网络图与基于petri网两种工作流模型进行过程建模,并进行过程仿真分析与优化。


  1. activity meter with automatic changer 什么意思
  2. activity method 什么意思
  3. activity method of teaching 什么意思
  4. activity name 什么意思
  5. activity need 什么意思
  6. activity node 什么意思
  7. activity node net 什么意思
  8. activity number 什么意思
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