be indulged in中文什么意思

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  1. And the moment those activities are indulged in , one is no longer at the threshold of the movement of conscious being , the movement of creation
  2. The former is indulged in depression and boredom , and strongly expels the family ; and the latter is infested in nostalgia , revealing the distortion of humanity in elaborate words
  3. At the time of my initiation , formosa was at its peak economically , and many people were indulging in all forms of physical comforts , so we spiritual practitioners , who maintained a vegetarian diet and meditated every day , looked quite alien
  4. The most common subject matters among the entries are classic games like scissors - paper - rock , hopscotch , chess games and bubble blowing , which every one of us must be indulged in when we were kids
    当中不少作品的选材都是一些历久常新的玩意,例如“包剪锤” 、跳飞机、捉棋、吹肥皂泡等等。这些玩具和游戏我肯定在场每一位朋友包括你和我在小时候都一定乐此不疲。


  1. be indispensible to 什么意思
  2. be indisposed towards sb 什么意思
  3. be indomitable 什么意思
  4. be inducted into the hall of fame 什么意思
  5. be inductive 什么意思
  6. be indulgent to sb 什么意思
  7. be ineligible for 什么意思
  8. be infatuated with a woman 什么意思
  9. be infatuated with her confuse 什么意思
  10. be infatuated with sb 什么意思


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