being and becoming中文什么意思

发音:   用"being and becoming"造句
  • being:     for the time ...
  • becoming:    adj. 相合的,相称的;相当的,合 ...
  • are becoming:    抗生素对(疾博越来越没有效用
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更多例句:  上一页  
  1. I declared my destiny . declaring your destiny is the first step in realizing and becoming the person that god has called you to be . put aside the humanity and embrace the spiritual aspects of who you are and become that which you have been called to be


  1. being a stockholder 什么意思
  2. being above the normal level 什么意思
  3. being accessory to murder 什么意思
  4. being alone 什么意思
  5. being alone stand by the sea 什么意思
  6. being and freedom 什么意思
  7. being and meaning 什么意思
  8. being and not being 什么意思
  9. being and nothingness 什么意思
  10. being and time 什么意思


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