commercial times中文什么意思

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  1. Nbc said before the games started that it had promised its advertisers a rating of between 12 and 14 . if it slips below that , nbc will have to make it up to advertisers with free commercial time
    Nbc称,在冬奥会开幕之前,他们向广告商许诺收视率会在12 %到14 %之间,如果收视率下降低于这个标准,他们将提供给广告商免费广告时间作为补偿。
  2. With the tenet “ transmitting modern marketing methods , focusing on innovative and sharp business concepts and discerning potential and unlimited business chances ” , commercial times is evaluated as “ key journals among xinhua best sellers on economics ” by combining news & theories and specialty & sociality
    以“传播现代营销方式,关注新锐商业理念,洞悉潜在无限商机”为宗旨,新闻性与理论性并重,专业性与社会性结合,被全国新华书店评为“新华畅销经济类重点期刊” 。


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  2. commercial ties 什么意思
  3. commercial timber 什么意思
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  5. commercial time-sharing system 什么意思
  6. commercial timesharing service 什么意思
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  8. commercial tissue 什么意思
  9. commercial titanium 什么意思
  10. commercial titanium alloys 什么意思


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