domestic manufacturer中文什么意思

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  1. An on - line resistance - type moisture sensor adopted by circulating dryer was developed by the domestic manufacturer under the cooperative project
  2. Last month , america slapped anti - dumping duties on imports of high - gloss paper from china , in response to a complaint from domestic manufacturers
  3. Min followed by wet washing tower and gravitation dust collectors . few domestic manufacturers have the capability to produce electrostatic dust collectors
  4. Last month , america slapped anti - dumping duties on imports of high - gloss paper from china , in response to a complaint from domestic manufacturers
  5. Take a plastic door article for example , the price ont the american market is 10 usd , while the relating domestic manufacturers can offer price at 5 - 6 usd
    以车门上的一个塑料件为例,美国市场的采购价格是每个10美元,而国内配套厂商可以做到5 - 6美元。


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  3. domestic main board market 什么意思
  4. domestic manufacture 什么意思
  5. domestic manufactured equipment 什么意思
  6. domestic manufactures 什么意思
  7. domestic marble 什么意思
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  9. domestic market 什么意思
  10. domestic market demand 什么意思


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