ethical norms中文什么意思

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[网络] 伦理规范;道德规范;倫理规范
  • norms:    标准规范; 交流中的行为规范
  • ethical:    adj. 1.伦理的,道德的;伦理学 ...
  • the ethical:    道德黑客
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  1. administrative ethics deals with the moral behavior of administrators that can be, in essence, defined as a behavior of compliance with ethical norms
  2. conflicting and shifting ethical norms in the same country, company or even neighbourhood, owing to the mixing of peoples, cultures and social classes through trade, fdi, migration and social mobility
  3. this theory of habermas's has confirmed the change from the constructive mode of " abstract subjectivism " to that of " inter-subjectivism " concerning the construction of the foundation of the ethical norm in our contemporary social life
  4. based on pattern design of ancient chinese buildings, this paper explores its ethical norms, rational spirit and philosophy, and expound the pattern design feature of the combination of rationality and emotion in possession of ancient chinese buildings
  5. in particular, we should pay attention to : conflicting and shifting ethical norms in the same country, company or even neighbourhood, owing to the mixing of peoples, cultures and social classes through trade, fdi, migration and social mobility


  1. ethical life 什么意思
  2. ethical motive 什么意思
  3. ethical motives 什么意思
  4. ethical nature 什么意思
  5. ethical norm 什么意思
  6. ethical oath 什么意思
  7. ethical oaths 什么意思
  8. ethical organization 什么意思
  9. ethical principles 什么意思
  10. ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct 什么意思


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