floating on water中文什么意思

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  1. A flat structure , typically made of planks , logs , or barrels , that floats on water and is used for transport or as a platform for swimmers
  2. The ancients described the inherent quality of those objects able to float on water by shi , and designed different kinds of means of transport on water by the property of water that can make the object with shi load the heavy weight
  3. In order to guarantee the good environment of kelp grows , when gathering in ( drag the kelp rope to land ) kelps every year , ( when finish harvesting scallops which grows in raft shelf ) , our company always debark the raft body to get rid of the shellfish and alga which grow floating on water on the raft body after the course of sunshine violently , rolling with artificial or tractor
    为了保证海带生长良好环境,每年在收割(绳收)海带时, (养扇贝的筏架待收完扇贝时)将筏身收回上岸,经阳光暴晒后,再经人工或用拖拉机碾压,去掉筏身上的浮生贝类或藻类。


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