give rein to中文什么意思

发音:   用"give rein to"造句
对...放任, 使...自由发挥
  • give:    vt. (gave; given; ...
  • rein:    n. 1.(皮)缰,缰绳。 2.〔常 ...
  • give free rein:    放任, 使自由发展
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  1. Furthermore , problems on how to increase quality and quantity of green land , how to improve species diversity and how to give rein to the ecological benefit and so on were also studied , in order to provide some measures for urban green land system construction and planning


  1. give reason to 什么意思
  2. give reasons 什么意思
  3. give reasons for 什么意思
  4. give reasons for an award 什么意思
  5. give reasons for or against 什么意思
  6. give relief and avert calamity 什么意思
  7. give repeated advice 什么意思
  8. give response to 什么意思
  9. give returning blows 什么意思
  10. give rise to 什么意思


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