hilary benn中文什么意思

发音:   用"hilary benn"造句
  • hilary:    adj. 圣希勒里节日时候的〔1月1 ...
  • benn:    邦; 本
  • hilary:    n. 希勒里〔男子名〕。 adj. ...
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  1. Caption : hilary benn , the uks secretary of state for international development , said his recent visits to africa have made him acutely aware of the unfairness of the global trading system and he wants to see urgent reforms to remedy the situation
    2005 - 2 - 8 11 : 31 : 00图片:英国国际发展大臣希拉里本说,他最近对非洲进行的访问使他强烈的感受到现有的全球贸易体系的不公平,他希望能够立即进行改革对当前的状况加以补救。
  2. This was the keynote of a speech delivered in london by the united kingdoms secretary of state for international development , hilary benn , whose recent visits to africa have made him acutely aware of the unfairness of the global trading system
    公平贸易是使数十亿发展中国家人民摆脱贫困的“绝对基础” ,这是英国国际发展大臣希拉里本在伦敦的一次演讲的主要基调。他最近对非洲进行了一次访问,这次访问使他强烈感受到了现有的全球贸易体系的不公平。
  3. This was the keynote of a speech delivered in london by the united kingdom s secretary of state for international development , hilary benn , whose recent visits to africa have made him acutely aware of the unfairness of the global trading system
    公平贸易是使数十亿发展中国家人民摆脱贫困的“绝对基础” ,这是英国国际发展大臣希拉里本在伦敦的一次演讲的主要基调。他最近对非洲进行了一次访问,这次访问使他强烈感受到了现有的全球贸易体系的不公平。
  4. Uk to host first joint meeting of g8 ministers margaret beckett , secretary of state for environment , food and rural affairs , and hilary benn , secretary of state for international development , will co - host a meeting of environment and development ministers in march 2005 , as part of the uk s presidency of the g8 group of industrialised countries
    在英国担任8国集团( G 8 )轮值主席国期间,英国环境、食品和乡村事务大臣玛格丽特贝克特( margaret beckett )和英国国际发展大臣希拉里贝恩( hillary benn )将于2 0 0 5年3月共同主持召开环境和发展部长级峰会。
  5. Margaret beckett , secretary of state for environment , food and rural affairs , and hilary benn , secretary of state for international development , will co - host a meeting of environment and development ministers in march 2005 , as part of the uk s presidency of the g8 group of industrialised countries
    在英国担任8国集团( G 8 )轮值主席国期间,英国环境、食品和乡村事务大臣玛格丽特贝克特( margaret beckett )和英国国际发展大臣希拉里贝恩( hillary benn )将于2 0 0 5年3月共同主持召开环境和发展部长级峰会。


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