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  1. Morestep products consist of 7 series and over 10 kinds of products , including nrl serial double rf tumor hyperthermic systems , rhl2000 serial chemo - hyperthermic perfusion systems and rl capacitive field hyperthermic system
    公司现有设备为nrl系列内生场肿瘤热疗系统rhl - 2000系列热化疗灌注系统和rf深部热疗系统等7大类10余种专业热疗系统。
  2. On the way to the future career , morestep will aim to the direction of being professional and comprehensive enterprise of the research and production on hyperthermic equipment to bring the life hope to patients and make the benefit for hospitals
  3. Morestep science technology development co . , ltd . of jilin province , which located in the hi - tech zone of changchun city , jilin province , is the senior hyperthermic production enterprise with the designing , developing , producing and selling departments
  4. Rhl - 2000b is a circulatory exosomatic heating system used for intra - peritoneal hyperthermic perfusion iphp of chemotherapy . the system has a peristaltic pump and a microwave heater , which could provid continual circulatory heating for chemotherapeutic drug and saline water . several pipe with electronic thermometry at entrance or outlet convey the heated
    运用热化疗灌注机的体外加热装置,将热效应好的化疗药物和盐水加热到45 ,运用体外循环泵将其导入体腔内,并且持续循环通过测温系统监测出水口,入水口和体腔内的温度,确保体腔内的温度维持在42 - 43的治疗温度,并且维持一定的时间,以达到使肿瘤细胞凋亡并冲出体外的方法。


  1. hyperthermia phase 什么意思
  2. hyperthermia therapy 什么意思
  3. hyperthermia treatment 什么意思
  4. hyperthermia treatment of cancer 什么意思
  5. hyperthermiatherapy system 什么意思
  6. hyperthermic temperature regime 什么意思
  7. hyperthermic treatment 什么意思
  8. hyperthermoelastic body 什么意思
  9. hyperthermoesthesia 什么意思
  10. hyperthermometer 什么意思


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