impacted area中文什么意思

发音:   用"impacted area"造句
  • impacted:    adj. 1.压紧的,嵌入的,嵌塞的 ...
  • area:    n. 1.面积;平地;地面。 2.空 ...
  • impacted bicuspid:    阻生双尖牙
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  1. This will enable b ds to focus their investments resources on the high impact areas that can benefit both the community and the government
  2. Evaluating traffic impact area is related to the location , properties , scale of the development project and the traffic condition nearby
  3. These impact areas are : integrating electronic payment into the buying process , building a consumer marketplace , moving supply chains and products into the marketspace , the governance of electronic business , and the new intermediation
  4. In t - tia , the article takes isochrones as the form which represents traffic impact area . this article also gives practical procession method of using the software - - trips , which is a mature software in traffic planning field
  5. Considering the time of trip proving to be overall evaluation merit on traffic impact area , using the experience of the road impedance function , the article puts forward a method based on time using for evaluating traffic impact area , namely t - tia , and provides a new method which can be applied to evaluate traffic impact area effectively
    本文选用出行时间作为综合评价交通影响范围指标,在分析出行时间的基础上,通过借鉴城市时间路阻函数,提出了基于时间的交通影响分析的方法t - tia ,从而确定了交通影响范围量化的新方法。在对等时线的特点进行分析之后,本文采用其作为基于时间的交影响范围量化方法的评价形式。


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  5. impacted 什么意思
  6. impacted bicuspid 什么意思
  7. impacted cerumen 什么意思
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  10. impacted cuspid 什么意思


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