like mad中文什么意思

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  1. I don ' t minus points for that . hell , i like mad on my boxers
  2. Run like mad in the other direction
    往反方向拼命跑! !
  3. Having got the basics right , i ' ll next cross disciplines like mad
  4. Was bill late for work this morning ? i saw him running like mad for the train
  5. Working like mad to reach your peak but getting nowhere ? you might be overtraining


  1. with great speed or effort or intensity; "drove like crazy"; "worked like hell to get the job done"; "ran like sin for the storm cellar"; "work like thunder"; "fought like the devil"
    同义词:like hell, like crazy, like sin, like thunder, like the devil, like hell, like crazy, like sin, like thunder, like the devil
  2. with great speed or effort or intensity; "drove like crazy"; "worked like hell to get the job done"; "ran like sin for the storm cellar"; "work like thunder"; "fought like the devil"
    同义词:like hell, like crazy, like sin, like thunder, like the devil, like hell, like crazy, like sin, like thunder, like the devil


  1. like lightning 什么意思
  2. like listening to lies 什么意思
  3. like looking for a needle in a haystack 什么意思
  4. like love is colder than death 什么意思
  5. like ma 什么意思
  6. like magic 什么意思
  7. like marble 什么意思
  8. like mike 什么意思
  9. like mike 2 什么意思
  10. like minded 什么意思


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