matter waves中文什么意思

发音:   用"matter waves"造句
  • matter:    n. 1.物质 (opp. spir ...
  • waves:    WAVES = Women Acce ...
  • the waves:    江水滔滔; 烟涛
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  1. Although the quantum laws are thought to be valid for objects of all sizes ? from elementary particles to the universe as a whole ? we do not usually see matter waves or any other quantum behavior in our everyday world
    虽然量子定律应该适用于各种不同大小的物体(从基本粒子到整个宇宙) ,但在日常生活里,我们通常看不到物质波或是其他的量子现象。
  2. On the other hand , various techniques using the dhbs have been applied in optical traps for microscopic particles , guiding , cooling and trapping for neutral atoms as well as in manipulations and control of coherent matter waves ( i . e . , bose - einstein condensations ( bec ) ) and so on
    同时,其他的一些研究小组开展了暗中空光束在光阱与微粒的操纵、中性原子的激光导引、冷却与囚禁以及相干物质波(如玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚, bec )的操纵与控制等领域的应用研究。
  3. In the scheme of the atomic interferometer based on the uccc , we discuss the approximate solution of atomic matter wave - function in double - channel magnetic guide , and analyze the evolution of transverse wave function in the process of atomic interference and show the probability distribution after the interference
    利用在u -型载流导体基础上构建的原子干涉仪,讨论了双通道磁导引中物质波波函数的近似求解。此外,还分析了干涉过程中横向波函数的演化,并给出了物质波通过干涉仪后的干涉条纹。


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  5. matter wave interferometric apparatus 什么意思
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  9. matter-of-fact 什么意思
  10. mattera 什么意思


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