mental demand中文什么意思

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[劳经] 脑力要求
  • mental:    adj. 1.内心的;精神的,思想的 ...
  • at demand:    即期票
  • be in demand:    销路好,有需要; 应邀121
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  1. in the process of solve this problem, the government pays close attention to rectify macro policy, set up the social guarantee system, and adopt economical aid to help them . it neglects the importance of the mental demand of the urban vulnerable groups, namely research and understand their psychology and heart world, and aspiring develop relevant mental salvation
  2. it can meet people's deep level mental demand . currently, the living of the urban vulnerable groups is located in a state, that is, low income, few earning, increasing deep relatively-poverty, high n modulus, inanition, basic plump, simple low-level cloth, strain family-relation, big family-burden


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  5. mental deficiencies 什么意思
  6. mental derailment 什么意思
  7. mental derangenment 什么意思
  8. mental deteriotation 什么意思
  9. mental development scales for years infant 什么意思
  10. mental dexterities 什么意思



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