object level中文什么意思

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  1. So you can have management access , but if you havent been granted edit access at the object level , you will not be able to edit that object
  2. In which the object level is introduced and some uml notions and diagrams extended for the design in the concept from tlom
  3. By specifying additional schema and object level filters , the list of objects listed to create a data source can be made specific to the developer s requirements
  4. To allow callers to view metadata , you can grant the callers view definition permission at an appropriate scope : object level , database level or server level
    若要允许调用方查看元数据,可在适当的作用域(对象级、数据库级或服务器级)中授予调用方view definition权限。
  5. Also note that if you have been granted edit delete access at the object level , even though you only have view read access at the category level , you will still be able to edit delete that object


  1. object lens focal length 什么意思
  2. object lens of large relative aperture 什么意思
  3. object lesson 什么意思
  4. object lesson; object teaching 什么意思
  5. object lessons 什么意思
  6. object level access protection 什么意思
  7. object level instruction 什么意思
  8. object level knowledge 什么意思
  9. object level optimization 什么意思
  10. object level program 什么意思


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