price comparisons中文什么意思

发音:   用"price comparisons"造句
  • price:    n. 1.价格,价钱;市价;代价;费 ...
  • comparison:    n. 1.比较,对照;类似。 2.【 ...
  • comparisons:    比较
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  1. Such organizations would go well beyond the simple price comparisons available today to rate service quality , delivery schedules , reliability and so on
  2. Hotel price comparison modest : standard rooms , for example : online sale price 445 yuan ; we visas team ( 6 rooms ) unified price of 400 yuan enjoy breakfast )
    客房价格比较适中:以标准房为例:网上销售价445元;而我们签证团队( 6间房起)统一享受优惠价400元(含早餐) 。
  3. For example , the previous example involving hypothetical magazines with readers exclusively in the desirable demographic segments yields one price comparison for reader segments
  4. Men are bigger wilfers than women , with shopping websites the biggest distractions , according to the study by price comparison website moneysupermarket . com
    发起这项调查的价格比较网站moneysupermarket . com称,男人比女人更爱在网上闲逛,那些购物网站是最容易让他们分心的地方。
  5. Half of all broadband users log onto social networking sites such as facebook , myspace and msn messenger , the price comparison and switching service uswitch . com found
    提供价格比较及调换服务的uswitch网站发现,有一半的宽带用户登录过如facebook myspace及msn messenger之类的社交网站。


  1. price club 什么意思
  2. price collusion 什么意思
  3. price commission 什么意思
  4. price comparability 什么意思
  5. price comparison list 什么意思
  6. price competition 什么意思
  7. price competitivene 什么意思
  8. price competitiveness 什么意思
  9. price concession 什么意思
  10. price condition 什么意思


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