request handling中文什么意思

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  1. Rule 81 where any party concerned requests handling or mediation of a patent dispute , it shall fall under the jurisdiction of the administrative authority for patent affairs where the requested party has his location or where the act of infringement has taken place
  2. The specification of the form was gazetted today ( friday ) and the form will take effect on 1 december , 1999 . a period of two and a half months has been allowed for organisations to prepare for incorporating the specified form into their data access request handling policies and practices


  1. request form 什么意思
  2. request from 什么意思
  3. request fulfilment 什么意思
  4. request function 什么意思
  5. request handing 什么意思
  6. request header 什么意思
  7. request header fields 什么意思
  8. request homing 什么意思
  9. request humbly 什么意思
  10. request indication response confirm 什么意思


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