six bits中文什么意思

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〔美俚〕七角五分 (=0.75美元)。
  • six:    n. 1.六个人[物]。 2.六人一 ...
  • bit:    bit1 bite 的过去式及过去分 ...
  • bits:    吃剩的食物; 齿片; 次数; 痘斑; ...
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  1. With that , here are six bits of advice for those embarking on or are already on what should be a lifetime quest to becoming a good programmer
  2. Let f be such that the 48 bits of its output , written as eight blocks of six bits each , are obtained by selecting the bits in its inputs in order according to a known table
    幸运的是, linux历史上就有一些供应商为了费用做这些事,我现在希望某一天能看到redhat的se linux 。
  3. " i judged so ; the boys in this town will take more trouble and fool away more time hunting up six bits worth of old iron to sell to the foundry than they would to make twice the money at regular work
    汤姆说“我也觉得像,镇上的孩子就是喜欢东找西翻弄些破铜烂铁卖给翻砂厂,最多不过换六个子。要是干活的话,一般都能挣双倍的钱,可人就是这样的,不说了,快走吧,快点! ”
  4. The net result is that the eight groups of six bits are transformed into eight groups of four bits the four - bit outputs from the s boxes for 32 bits total . the final stage in the calculation of f is to do a permutation p of the s - box output to obtain the final value of f
    该服务器的se linux实现定义了一种混合的安全性策略,由类型实施( te ) 、基于角色的访问控制( rbac )和可选的多级别安全性( mls )组成,所以广泛用于军事安全性中。


  1. six beats to an arm cycle 什么意思
  2. six big fellows 什么意思
  3. six bit byte 什么意思
  4. six bit code 什么意思
  5. six bit transcode 什么意思
  6. six bladed fan 什么意思
  7. six bladed grab 什么意思
  8. six blind men 什么意思
  9. six break oil breaker 什么意思
  10. six bridges to cross 什么意思


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