the articles of incorporation中文什么意思

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  1. A lot of researches on the shareholder ' s rights and the protection of shareholder ' s rights were made successfully by the scholars , but few were mentioned on the protection of shareholder ' s right by the article of incorporation
  2. Chapter three inquires into the norms of various types in the chinese corporate law , as the premise and foundation of the study on the protection of shareholder ' s rights by the article of incorporation
    第三章先分析了公司法不同类型的法律规范? ?强行性规范和任意性规范,这是公司章程对股东权保障类型化研究的前提和基础。
  3. The article of incorporation provided the organization and action of the corporation , and the rights and duties of the shareholders , corporation and other members , which is the law of autonomy under jus cogens
  4. In this dissertation , the writer begins with study from analyzing the shareholder ' s rights and the relationship between the article of incorporation and the shareholder ' s rights , and then discusses the protection of the article of incorporation on the shareholder ' s rights
  5. The right of supervision of the board of supervisors should secured in the articles of incorporation and in the law . the board of supervisors should be provided with necessary convenience for their exercising full powers to supervise the board of directors and the management


  1. the article is full of suggestions 什么意思
  2. the article is very badly organized 什么意思
  3. the article is well organized 什么意思
  4. the article reads smoothly 什么意思
  5. the articles of impeachment 什么意思
  6. the artificers 什么意思
  7. the artificial gra lands 什么意思
  8. the artist and the farmer 什么意思
  9. the artist as critic 什么意思
  10. the artistic soldier 什么意思


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