trigger points中文什么意思

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  1. In this review article , we have described the clinical approach in detecting and confirming myofascial trigger points ( mtrps ) that elicit clinical complaints
  2. Myofascial pain syndrome is characterized by the existence of so - called trigger points , namely the site of local tenderness located within a palpable taut band or nodule in the muscles in the affected area
  3. Since1991 , more and more countries have introduced the rules - based prompt corrective action regimes for financial institutions , which have usually been made up of trigger points , corrective actions and clear linkages between them
  4. The ratio was expected to fluctuate over time as circumstances changed , and it was appropriate to consider whether assets should be transferred into or out of the backing portfolio if the ratio reached certain pre - determined trigger points
  5. Hosted by d . kostopoulos and published by slack incorporated in 2005 , this video demonstrates treatment techniques in trigger point and myofascial therapy and proprioceptive training , with anatomical pictures of pain pattern muscle . the presenter also suggests home exercises that can help prevent injury


  1. trigger point 什么意思
  2. trigger point injection 什么意思
  3. trigger point latch 什么意思
  4. trigger point mechanism 什么意思
  5. trigger point, trps 什么意思
  6. trigger points pain 什么意思
  7. trigger price 什么意思
  8. trigger price mechanism 什么意思
  9. trigger pull 什么意思
  10. trigger pulse 什么意思


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