unsound mind中文什么意思

发音:   用"unsound mind"造句
精神失常, 神智不清
  • unsound:    adj. 1.不健全的,有病的。 2 ...
  • mind:    n. 1.心,精神 (opp. bo ...
  • of unsound mind:    精神失常, 头脑不健全
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  1. One ' s ability to carry on normal business transactions . lack of capacity may be natural ( unsound mind ) or simply by law ( a minor )
  2. There master courtenay , sitting in his own chamber , gave his rede and master justice andrews sitting without a jury in the probate court , weighed well and pondered the claims of the first chargeant upon the property in the matter of the will propounded and final testamentary disposition in re the real and personal estate of the late lamented jacob halliday , vintner , deceased versus livingstone , an infant , of unsound mind , and another


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