using ability中文什么意思

发音:   用"using ability"造句
  • use:    n. 1.使用,利用,应用;使用的机 ...
  • ability:    n. 能,能力,本领,技能;〔pl. ...
  • tool using ability:    使用工具能力
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  1. At digitilized era , each press photographers survive , technology use ability change , it comes and meet the needs of era development make , easy to take place report
  2. For the design of mechanical systems and structures in a rubber tired gantry crane ( rtg ) , the mechanical designer has to design the most useful safe and practical way to improve the equipment and its operation , to reach best performance and use ability of the rtg
  3. In order to improve the training quality and strengthen the english using ability , we should make use of english salon , e - mail , ten minutes before class and group study to set up an oral trainning model of modern open distance education
  4. Establishment human oriented teaching philosophy , optimizing teaching processes to train students ' comprehensive language using ability , establishing evaluation system from many bearings and angles , and widely using multimedia technology to build higher vocational english teaching mode that is oriented students are all discussed in the paper
  5. And from the practice side the paper tries to draw the concl usion through comparing the contents of senior middle school entrance examination with that of college entrance examination , so as to find the differences between them and look for the reason why they bring in the cohesion problem , we assumpt that too easy of the senior middle school entrance examination , text - centred , little focus on language - using ability , are the main factors that lead to the incoherence . then the paper shows the different parts that ca n ' t connect with each other in the incoherence problem , and furthermore it tries to inquire into some practical ways of solving it from the angel of testing . and besides , the paper also appeals to the society for the necessity of reforming the senior school entrance examination , and meantime appeals to our middle school language teacher , never just cast their eyes only upon tests , but also the cohesion of students " permanent development


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