
发音:   用"不利环境"造句
critical environment
poor environment
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  1. “ in conclusion , our findings identify chi3l1 as a potential schizophrenia - susceptibility gene , ” write the authors . “ our results . . . support the proposal that genes involved in biological response to adverse environmental conditions play roles in the predisposition to schizophrenia
    “总而言之,我们的发现鉴定出chi3l1是一个潜在的精神分裂症易感基因”作者写道, “我们的结果,支持了负责机体对不利环境条件产生生物反应的基因在精神分裂症的易感性中起作用的提议。 ”
  2. A successful cell strain for biopharmaceutical production must conform to the following characteristics : the cells could produce high level of recombinant proteins ; the cell should be adapted to serum - free or protein - free medium ; the cells should be resistant to adverse culture conditions , which means the cells should have some anti - apoptosis property ; if not cultured i n suspension , the cells should also be able to grow in adherence
  3. The reason to delete the term sa from the notes of ozps is to prevent the development of conventional residential flats in the name of sa in inappropriate areas , e . g . areas subject to environmental constraints and areas without adequate provision of supporting community facilities
    从分区计划大纲图的《注释》中删去附服务设施住宅一词的原因,是防止在不适当的地区(例如备受不利环境因素限制的地区和没有足够辅助社区设施的地区) ,以附服务设施住宅的名义兴建传统住宅单位。


  1. "不利地区"英文
  2. "不利地位"英文
  3. "不利点"英文
  4. "不利反应,不良反应"英文
  5. "不利高度"英文
  6. "不利汇率"英文
  7. "不利几何条件"英文
  8. "不利季节"英文
  9. "不利价格"英文
  10. "不利健康的"英文


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