
发音:   用"收割庄稼"造句
  • 收割:    reap; harvest; gather in
  • 庄稼:    away-going crop; emblement; ...
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  1. A precious day for the harvest , as alpatitch thought
  2. He that speaks sows , and he that holds his peace gathers
  3. A rich farmer sent for a poor man to reap his field
  4. They were busy getting in the crops
  5. All the commune members , young and old , went out to hervest the crops


        收割:    reap; harvest; gather in
        庄稼:    away-going crop; emblement; ...
        收割庄稼的人:    harvester; harvestman
        请她用皮做的镰刀收割庄稼:    tell her to reap it in a sickle of leather
        全体老少社员都收割庄稼去了:    all the commune members young and old went out to hervest the crops
        尚未收割的庄稼。:    standing corn
        庄稼:    away-going crop; emblement; crops 种庄稼 grow crops; 这些庄稼遭到蝗灾。 these crops are attacked by locusts. 由于长期干旱, 庄稼歉收。 owing to the long drought, the crops have failed; 庄稼茬 stubble; 庄稼地 flat; field in crop; cropland; fields; farm land; 庄稼汉 farmer; peasant; 庄稼活儿 farm work; 庄稼人 peasant; farmer
        收割:    reap; harvest; gather in 收割田里的小麦 reap a field of wheat; 收割水稻 gather in the rice; 收割机 harvester; harvesting implements; reaper; reaping machine
        秋庄稼:    autumn crops
        收成;庄稼:    crop
        收庄稼:    gather in the harvest
        种庄稼:    till the land; be a farmer; plant crops 这一地区土地的地力都已耗尽, 不能再种庄稼了。 the whole area has been farmed out, and no crops will grow there now. 这块土地未种庄稼。 the land is out of crop
        庄稼;收成:    crop
        庄稼茬:    stubble
        庄稼地:    field in crop
        庄稼汉:    clodhopper; plowboy; yokel
        庄稼人:    hodge; kyntaja
        收割者, 收割机:    reaper
        到达;收割:    get in
        收割,采收:    reap
        收割法:    harvest method
        收割机:    corn harvester; grain header; harvester, reaper; harvesting implements; harvesting machine; reaping machine; reapper
        收割节:    the feast of harvest
        收割期:    date of harvesting; harvest time; harvesting period; harvesting time; reaping time
        收割鼠:    a harvestmousee; harvest mouse


  1. "收割月〔九月〕。"英文
  2. "收割者"英文
  3. "收割者, 收割机"英文
  4. "收割者戈提克"英文
  5. "收割者跃过一堆廉价的武器"英文
  6. "收割庄稼的人"英文
  7. "收割装载机"英文
  8. "收割装置"英文
  9. "收割刈痕"英文
  10. "收个无形泰坦"英文


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