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  1. It is designed to provide the most fashionable , european lifestyle for trendy , suave and urbane urban settlers , an up and coming group of metropolitan men who are well informed of world trends and know how to look good
  2. It is designed to provide the most fashionable , european lifestyle for trendy , suave and urbane urban settlers , an up and coming group of metropolitan men who are well informed of world trends and know how to look good
  3. 2 . foreign habitation theory - garden city , glary city , neighborhood units , block , sciences of human settlements , new urbanism . chapter 2 social intercourse and " principle off simplicity " in spaces section 1 the requirements of social intercourse 1
    二、国外的近、现代居住理论? ?花园城市、光辉城、邻里单位、街坊、小区、人类聚居学和新都市主义,其中人们对居住环境的认识发展趋向,是科学主义和人文主义的融合和对人更深层次的关怀。
  4. Tamshui line developed expected functions of rapid transit systems since the revenue service . pedestrian area , strip gardens , hydrophile parks , public art exhibitions , dragon - boat shape station , kuandu temple , mangrove ecological areas , guanyin mountain , and sunset of tamshui are reflected each other and fulfill the environment of tamshui line with energy , civilization , and commercial opportunity along the old route of the railroad
  5. Recently , new urbanism becomes popular , which holds to develop both insides and outsides of city . according to function , city area can be divided into cbd , industrial area , residential area and so on . these areas " arrangement in city space shows some rules such as the fan shape , multi - corns


  1. "新都交易公司"英文
  2. "新都酒店"英文
  3. "新都里"英文
  4. "新都桥"英文
  5. "新都事务机公司"英文
  6. "新都市主义"英文
  7. "新都匀鱼属"英文
  8. "新毒玫瑰"英文
  9. "新独臂刀"英文
  10. "新独立国家"英文



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