
发音:   "痨病"的汉语解释   用"痨病"造句
tuberculosis; consumption; tb
◇痨病患者 phthisic; 痨病学 phthisiology; 痨病治疗 phthisiotherapeutics; phthisiotherapy
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  1. I also will do this unto you ; i will even appoint over you terror , consumption , and the burning ague , that shall consume the eyes , and cause sorrow of heart : and ye shall sow your seed in vain , for your enemies shall eat it
    利26 : 16我待你们就要这样、我必命定惊惶、叫眼目乾瘪、精神消耗的痨病、热病、辖制你们你们也要白白的撒种、因为仇敌要吃你们所种的。
  2. I also will do this to you : i will appoint sudden terror over you , even consumption and fever , that will cause the eyes to fail and make the soul to pine away ; and you will sow your seed in vain , for your enemies will eat it
  3. I , in turn , will do this to you : i will appoint over you a sudden terror , consumption and fever that will waste away the eyes and cause the soul to pine away ; also , you will sow your seed uselessly , for your enemies will eat it up
    利26 : 16我待你们就要这样、我必命定惊惶、叫眼目乾瘪、精神消耗的痨病、热病、辖制你们你们也要白白的撒种、因为仇敌要吃你们所种的。
  4. Not to speak of hostels , leperyards , sweating chambers , plaguegraves , their greatest doctors , the o shiels , the o hickeys , the o lees , have sedulously set down the divers methods by which the sick and the relapsed found again health whether the malady had been trembling withering or loose boyconnell flux
    5举凡医院麻疯病人收容所蒸汽浴室瘟疫患者埋葬所自不待言,彼等之名医奥希尔家族奥希基家族奥利家族6 ,亦均孜孜不倦制定了能够使病人及旧病复发者康复之种种疗法不论彼等所患为乳毒病痨病抑或痢疾。


  1. "痣脂瘤"英文
  2. "痣周白斑"英文
  3. "痣状角化病"英文
  4. "痣综合征"英文
  5. "痨"英文
  6. "痨病的"英文
  7. "痨病的 痨病患者"英文
  8. "痨病肺结核"英文
  9. "痨病患者"英文
  10. "痨病牛"英文



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