
发音:   用"b族维生素"造句
b vitamins
vitamin b group
  • b:     a B picture ...
  • :    clan
  • 维生素:    vitamin; auxohormo ...
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  1. Surveys have found that children and adults who regularly eat breakfast have higher intakes of some vitamins and minerals - including iron ; calcium ; magnesium ; zinc ; the b vitamins , riboflavin and folate ; as well as vitamins a and d
  2. The product contains rich essential amino acids from the main raw materials of clam meats , malts etc togethere with b - family vitamins for children and youth at school age and taurine for brain growth
  3. In a study of what attracted mosquitoes to people , butler said he work off a theory that they go for humans who provide the richest source of cholesterol and b vitamins , which the pesky insects need to live but do not produce themselves
  4. This is hardly surprising , given breakfast , especially carbohydrate - based breakfasts boost brain glucose levels , and micronutrients , such as b vitamins commonly added to breakfast cereals are also know to have a positive effect on brain function
  5. Avoid smoking , drink , coffee : nicotine is contained in smoke , inferior the carcinogenic substance with saltpetre toxic amine ; alcohol can stimulate the exudation of hormone , affect the easy sensibility of malignant tumor thereby ; coffeine can make the b inside body a group of things with common features the vitamin is destroyed


  1. "b与b交换"英文
  2. "b语言"英文
  3. "b照射"英文
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  5. "b综合征"英文
  6. "b族维生素,维生素b类"英文
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