can repay中文什么意思

发音:   用"can repay"造句
  • can:    n. 1.〔美国〕罐头,听头(=〔英 ...
  • repay:    vt.,vi. (-paid ) 1 ...
  • repay loan:    偿还借款
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  1. Specific reimbursement program is as follows : borrower is in after paying off the principal and interest that month , can repay ahead of schedule part or full loan
  2. We are honored to know your generous people , and our county s government hereby proclaims you honorary citizens . this is a sign of our greatest respect to distinguished people like you , because there is no other way that we can repay your invaluable merit
  3. Luigi vampa comes to take us , and we take him - we bring him back to rome , and present him to his holiness the pope , who asks how he can repay so great a service ; then we merely ask for a carriage and a pair of horses , and we see the carnival in the carriage , and doubtless the roman people will crown us at the capitol , and proclaim us , like curtius and the veiled horatius , the preservers of their country . " whilst albert proposed this scheme , signor pastrini s face assumed an expression impossible to describe
    罗吉万帕来捉我们的时候,我们就捉住他,把他带回罗马城里,晋献给教皇陛下,教皇看到我们干了这么件大好事,就会问他怎样才能报答我们,而我们却说只要一辆轿车,两匹马,于是我们就可以坐在马车里看狂欢节了,而罗马老百姓一定会拥我们到朱庇特神殿去给我们加冠,表扬我们一番,象对待卫国英雄库提斯和柯克莱斯一样。 ”


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